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Mission Statement
Son of the veteran "Tough" Tony Borne. Superstar known the world over, where he competed at the first WrestleMania against Ricky Steamboat, won tag team gold with Buzz Sawyer (managed by Percy Pringle, III aka Paul Bearer) at World Class Championship Wrestling in Texas, had a run as Big Josh in WCW, before coming to WWF(E) in late 1992 to debut the evil Doink The Clown, a gimmick meant for the recycling bin that the one and only Matt Borne turned into professional wrestling art.
While his WWF run came to an end in late 1993 and Borne seemed to fall off the face of the planet, he is back, better than ever, ready to open up a new chapter of his life. On June 27, 2010, Matt Borne sat down in the intimate setting of the MWF's Television Studios to conduct a near three-hour Studio Shoot Interview DVD taping with Dan Mirade & John Cena, Sr. 
From the WWE Encyclopedia: In late 1992, this clown brought his circus act to WWE. His mean spirited pranks both in and out of the ring made him a prime target for competitors and audiences alike. At WrestleMania IX, he attacked Crush with the aid of an imposter, adding confusion to his cruel antics. Doink could not contain the joy he received by making others miserable.
WARNING:  This DVD may not be for women and children due to strong language and adult topics discussed.
Some of the topics discussed...
  • At what age were you exposed to the wrestling business as the son of "Tough" Tony Borne?
  • How old were you when you began to realize pro wrestling wasn't a shoot?
  • Stories of traveling with his father when he was younger
  • At what age did you realize you wanted to get into the business?
  • Stories of athletic background
  • Becoming friends with Jesse Ventura and smoking pot with him
  • How did you see Jesse change over the years?
  • How did you break into the wrestling industry?
  • Memories of first match
  • Thoughts on Don Owen as a promoter and a booker
  • Roddy Piper mentoring him
  • Memories of Adrian Adonis
  • Thoughts on a younger Roddy Piper
  • Memories of ex-brother in law "Playboy" Buddy Rose
  • Brutal battle with Buddy Rose that led to him getting arrested
  • Chain match that followed later in the week
  • Thoughts on having someone in the business being involved with his sister
  • Buddy Rose taping a sexual encounter with his sister and showing it to the boys
  • Early memories of The Iron Sheik
  • Trip to Australia where Borne got cocaine for the boys in LA during a connection
  • Memories of Sheik sneaking coke into Bob Orton's bag going into Canada
  • Borne's response to Sheik's version of the two of them sharing a room in Sydney and the woman that stole his money and drugs from the WrestleMania I Studio Shoot Interview
  • Sheik's shocking reaction to Borne and the woman having sex in their hotel room
  • Story of Ole Anderson trying to get the Sheik to stretch a guy off the street, then getting a beating by Sawyer, Sheik & Anderson
  • Memories of a young Curt Hennig
  • What was travel like in Portland?
  • Drug scene of the late 70's/early 80's
  • Borne talks about the character of John Cena
  • Talk of seperating the character in the ring and behind the curtain
  • Talk of NWA Champions coming through Portland
  • Memories of Harley Race stretching a biker
  • Harley Race's driving
  • Traveling with Andre The Giant
  • Going to a drug dealers house with Andre
  • Memories of Mid-Atlantic
  • Memories of a young Ric Flair
  • Memories of Ricky Steamboat
  • Memories of Wahoo McDaniel
  • Talk of wild drug use in the 80's
  • Thoughts on how Roddy Piper has fallen
  • Memories of working Mid-South
  • Thoughts on Bill Watts
  • Infamous brawl of Borne saving Jim Duggan from fighting three guys after a match where one lost an eye
  • Duggan & Watts post-match reaction
  • Lawsuit that followed
  • Tension between Borne and Duggan in years that followed
  • Memories of Ted DiBiase pre-Million Dollar Man
  • Memories of Jim Ross
  • Memories of the Fabulous Freebirds
  • Heading to the WWF for the first time
  • Resentment from top guys who were left off WrestleMania?
  • Legend that complained loudly about it
  • Boys feelings the day of the event
  • Was WWF in danger of going out of business if WrestleMania failed?
  • Thoughts on "Dr. D" David Schultz
  • Memories of Mr. T leading into Mania
  • Stories of Roddy Piper being able to shoot
  • Memories of Vince McMahon during his first run
  • Relationship once he returned as Doink The Clown
  • How his relationship with McMahon broke down
  • How hot was Hogan in the mid-80's?
  • Borne's opinion on who he thought Hogan really wanted to be
  • Why Borne has no respect for Hogan
  • Hogan's refusal to work Doink at WrestleMania IX in Las Vegas
  • What legend clued Borne in to the fact he was set to work Hogan at Mania
  • How plans on working with Davey Boy Smith fell apart
  • How big was the money in the mid-80's in WWF compared to other territories
  • What was the travel like in the mid-80's?
  • Thoughts on watching the Sheik smoke crack on Youtube
  • Moving on to World Class
  • Memories of the Von Erich's
  • Thoughts on Von Erich brother deaths
  • Memories of Percy Pringle, III
  • Story of calling Percy's wife when she was pregnant and how she went into labor
  • Stories of Buzz Sawyer and a fight they had while traveling
  • Memories of Bruiser Brody & Abdullah The Butcher
  • Discussion of Brody's murder
  • Did the boys not want to work Puerto Rico as a result?
  • Memories of Ultimate Warrior, who said Borne was one of the biggest assholes he ever met
  • Talk of how the Warrior's wife was having sex with other wrestlers
  • What led to so many young deaths in World Class?
  • Thoughts of being part of WWE's rehab program
  • Thoughts on Benoit murders
  • Complete details on being part of the rehab program and the step down program that followed
  • How WWE helped him live after leaving the program
  • Story of how he was put in a rehab programs through the courts previously
  • Memories of moving onto Memphis with a young Mick Foley and Jeff Jarrett
  • How Jerry Jarrett got him hired as Doink
  • Memories of Jerry Lawler
  • Violent incident between Ken Shamrock and Nasty Boys at an indy event
  • What led Borne to WCW as Big Josh
  • Thoughts on Dusty Rhodes
  • Memories of Sting, Lex Luger, Brian Pillman and Tom Zenk
  • Reaction to Bill Watts coming into WCW
  • Did WCW need a Bill Watts?
  • Transition period between WCW and WWF
  • How Watts prevented him from getting surgery on knee injury in WCW
  • How Doink came to be
  • How the evil clown came to be
  • Thoughts into Doink's introduction
  • Memories of the beginning of Monday Night RAW
  • Locker room reaction to the death of Kerry Von Erich
  • Program with Crush leading up to WrestleMania
  • Memories of the second Doink and thoughts on Steve Kiern
  • Story of Steve Kiern dressing his penis up as Doink
  • Who was really responsible for Hogan showing up with a black eye at WrestleMania IX?
  • How Hogan got involved in Randy Savage and Elizabeth's maritial problems
  • Thoughts on Randy Savage
  • Memories of Bret Hart now that he was on top
  • Thoughts on reconnecting with Percy Pringle as Paul Bearer
  • Memories of The Undertaker
  • How Buzz Sawyer screwed The Undertaker out of money
  • Backlash towards Hogan for trashing the WWF Title in Japan while not working house shows?
  • Why Borne has no respect for Hogan
  • What led to the departure of Matt Borne in 1993?
  • Story behind independent match that turned into a shoot with Jim Duggan
...and much more!

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